Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Live Life Happily

I know it has been months now that i have writeen about anything and what I am goign to writes is the same thing which i have writeen in Professional and Personal relationship clashes a months back .
Many of us live our lives like a machine working on and on nonstop like a mission to be accomplished in life. We toil hard, work late and avoid the little fun and happiness and keep our loved ones waiting. Sadly, I have seen many people who put off their loved ones for so long that the loved ones lose interest in maintaining the relationship. Often we convince ourselves that our obsession with our to do list is only temporary and we think that when we finish it, we will be calm, relaxed and happy. But in reality that rarely happens. As items are chucked-off from the list, new ones simply replace them, isn't it??
There will always be phone calls that need to be made, projects to complete and work to be done as these we think attributes to our success. It means your time is in demand.Regardless of who you are or what you do, however remember that nothing is more important than your own sense of happiness and inner peace and that of your loved ones. If you are obsessed of getting everything done, you will never have a sense of well being. In reality almost everything can wait. Very little in our work lives truly falls in to the emergency category. Its all in the mind. If you plan and implement the time management properly and stay focused on your work, it will all get done in due time.I remind myself frequently that the purpose of life isn't to get it all done but to enjoy each step along the way and live a life filled with love. Its far easier for me to control my obsession with completing my list of things to do. .I am trying to valued my personal life more than my Professional life. I have always seen that my business is a source of earning for fulfilling the happiness of myself and my family and not as a source of earning more and more riches just for the purpose of becoming wealthy. What's the point of being wealthy if it doesn't contribute to our happiness. God has not send us on earth just to toil hard, work 24x7, gather wealth and neglect everything else.Remember, when we will die, there will still be unfinished business to take care of and you know what? Someone else will do it in your absence. Don't waste any more precious moments of your life regretting the inevitable. Learn to balance your professional life and personal life and see to it that the professional commitments do not disturb your personal life frequently and it is this commitment of yours which will make you truly successful and happy in life.Friends, after all what matters in the end is how you live your life and not how much you live, isn't it?


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